Newsletter Issue 3, 2018




    Soil Contamination Prevention and Control Law of

    the People's Republic of China




Soil Contamination Prevention and Control Law of the

People’s Republic of China


     (Adopted at the 5th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on August 31, 2018)


目  录

Table of Contents


第一章  总 则

Chapter I General Provisions


第二章 规划、标准、普查和监测

Chapter II Planning, Standards, Survey and Monitoring


第三章 预防和保护

hapter III Prevention and Protection


第四章 风险管控和修复

Chapter IV Risk Management and Remediation


    第一节 一般规定

    Section 1 General Regulations


    第二节 农用地

    Section 2 Agricultural land


    第三节 建设用地

    Section III Construction Land


第五章 保障和监督

Chapter V Protection and Supervision


第六章 法律责任

hapter VI Legal Liability


第七章 附 则

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions




Chapter I General Provisions


    第一条 为了保护和改善生态环境,防治土壤污染,保障公众健康,推动土壤资源永续利用,推进生态


Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of protecting and improving the ecological environment, preventing

and controlling soil contamination, safeguarding the public health, promoting the sustainable use of soil resources,

promoting the construction of ecological civilization, and facilitating the sustainable economic and social



    第二条 在中华人民共和国领域及管辖的其他海域从事土壤污染防治及相关活动,适用本法。

Article 2 This Law applies to the soil contamination prevention and control and related activities within the

territory of the People's Republic of China and other sea areas under its jurisdiction.



The term “soil contamination” as used in this Law refers to the phenomenon that a certain substance enters

the surface soil of land due to human factors, thus causing changes in chemical, physical or biological

properties of soil, affecting soil function or effective utilization, endangering public health or destroying the

ecological environment.


    第三条 土壤污染防治应当坚持预防为主、保护优先、分类管理、风险管控、污染担责、公众参与的


Article 3 The soil contamination prevention and control shall be conducted under the principle of “prevention

first, protection paramount, classified management, risk management and control, contamination accountability

and public participation”.


    第四条 任何组织和个人都有保护土壤、防止土壤污染的义务。

Article 4 All organizations and individuals have the obligation to protect the soil and prevent soil contamination.



Land-use rights holders that are engaged in land development and utilization and enterprises, institutions and

other business operators that are engaged in business activities shall take effective measures to prevent and reduce

soil contamination and be accountable for the soil contamination caused.


    第五条 地方各级人民政府应当对本行政区域土壤污染防治和安全利用负责。

Article 5 The local governments at all levels shall be responsible for the soil contamination prevention and safe

utilization within their jurisdiction.



The State adopts the soil contamination prevention and control target accountability and performance assessment

systems. Under the systems, the fulfillment of the soil contamination prevention and control targets will be one

of the metrics to assess the performance of the local governments at all levels and the persons in charge, as well

as the performance of departments responsible for soil contamination monitoring and management under the

governments at or above the county level and the responsible persons.


    第六条 各级人民政府应当加强对土壤污染防治工作的领导,组织、协调、督促有关部门依法履行土壤


Article 6 The local governments at all levels shall strengthen leadership over the prevention and control of soil

contamination, and play a positive role in organizing, coordinating and urging relevant departments to perform

their duty of supervision and management of soil contamination prevention and control in accordance with law.


    第七条 国务院生态环境主管部门对全国土壤污染防治工作实施统一监督管理;国务院农业农村、自然


Article 7 The competent department of ecological environment under the State Council shall adopt a unified

supervision and management system for the prevention and control of soil contamination throughout the country;

the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, natural resources, housing and urban construction,

forestry and grassland under the State Council shall do their parts in supervising and managing soil contamination

prevention and control within their terms of reference.




The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments shall adopt a unified

supervision and management system for the prevention and control of soil contamination within their jurisdiction;

the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, natural resources, housing and urban construction,

forestry and grassland under the local governments shall do their parts in supervising and managing soil

contamination prevention and control within their terms of reference.


    第八条 国家建立土壤环境信息共享机制。

Article 8 The State adopts a soil environment information sharing mechanism.




The competent department of ecological environment under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the

competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, natural resources, housing and urban construction,

water conservancy, health, forestry and grassland under the State Council, establish a basic soil environment

database and a nationwide soil environment information platform, to realize data dynamic updating and

information sharing.


    第九条 国家支持土壤污染风险管控和修复、监测等污染防治科学技术研究开发、成果转化和推广



Article 9 The State supports the scientific and technological research on the prevention and control, remediation

and monitoring of soil contamination and the application of research results, encourages the development of the

soil contamination prevention and control industry, intensifies training of professionals for soil contamination

prevention and control, and promotes the scientific and technological progress in this field.


The State encourages international exchanges and cooperation in soil contamination prevention and control.


    第十条 各级人民政府及其有关部门、基层群众性自治组织和新闻媒体应当加强土壤污染防治宣传教育


Article 10 The local governments at all levels and the relevant departments, grassroots voluntary associations

and news media shall strengthen publicity and education on soil contamination prevention to enhance the public

awareness and guide the public to participate in the initiative in accordance with law. 


第二章  规划、标准、普查和监测

Chapter II Planning, Standards, Survey and Monitoring


    第十一条 县级以上人民政府应当将土壤污染防治工作纳入国民经济和社会发展规划、环境保护规划。

Article 11 The local governments at or above the county level shall incorporate the soil contamination prevention

and control into the national economic and social development plan and the environmental protection plan.




The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments at or above the city (divided

into districts) level shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of development and reform, agriculture

and rural affairs, natural resources, housing urban and rural construction, forestry and grassland, prepare a plan for

soil contamination prevention and control based on the findings of the land use and contamination survey and

monitoring, and by taking into account the environment protection plan, and report it to the local governments

at the same level for approval.


    第十二条 国务院生态环境主管部门根据土壤污染状况、公众健康风险、生态风险和科学技术水平,


Article 12 The competent department of ecological environment under the State Council shall, by having

regard to the soil contamination status, public health risks, ecological risks, scientific and technological

levels and the land use, establish national standards for management and control of soil contamination

risks to improve the standard system in this field.




The local governments at the provincial level may establish local standards for management and control of soil

contamination risks for items unspecified in the above national standards, and may establish stricter standards

for items already specified in the national standards. The local standards for management and control of soil

contamination risks shall be reported to the competent department of ecological environment under the State

Council for the record.


The standards for management and control of soil contamination risks are mandatory.


The State supports research on soil environmental background value and environmental criteria.


    第十三条 制定土壤污染风险管控标准,应当组织专家进行审查和论证,并征求有关部门、行业协会、


Article 13 In formulating the standards for management and control of soil contamination risks, experts shall be

invited for review and argumentation, and opinions of relevant departments, industry associations, enterprises,

institutions and the public shall be solicited.


The standards for management and control of soil contamination risks shall be regularly assessed for

implementation and revised based on the assessment results.



The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments above the provincial level

shall publish such standards on their website for public access and free downloading.


    第十四条 国务院统一领导全国土壤污染状况普查。国务院生态环境主管部门会同国务院农业农村、


Article 14 The State Council play a leading role in the national soil contamination survey. The competent

department of ecological environment under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the competent

departments of agriculture and rural affairs, natural resources, housing and urban and rural construction, forestry

and grassland at the same level, organize a national soil contamination survey at least every ten years.



The relevant departments of the State Council and the local governments at or above the city (divided into

districts) level may organize a detailed survey of soil contamination in light of actual situations of the industry

and the jurisdiction.


    第十五条 国家实行土壤环境监测制度。

Article 15 The State adopts a soil environment monitoring system.



The competent department of ecological environment under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the

competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, natural resources, housing and urban and rural

construction, water conservation, hygiene and health, forestry and grassland at the same level, establish a

monitoring website and uniformly deploy the national soil environment monitoring stations (points).


    第十六条 地方人民政府农业农村、林业草原主管部门应当会同生态环境、自然资源主管部门对下列农


Article 16 The competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, forestry and grasslands under the local

governments shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of ecological environment and natural

resources, carry out monitoring of agricultural land, with emphasis on land:


(1) Where the content of pollutants in agricultural products exceeds the standard;


(2) Used or ever used as sewage irrigation areas;


(3) Used or ever used for large-scale breeding, solid waste dumping or landfilling;


(4) Ever used as mining or industrial lands or where a major or extraordinarily serious contamination accident



(5) Neighboring any facilities producing, storing, utilizing and disposing toxic and hazardous substances;


(6) Other circumstances as stipulated by the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, forestry

and grasslands, ecological environment and natural resources under the State Council.


    第十七条 地方人民政府生态环境主管部门应当会同自然资源主管部门对下列建设用地地块进行重点


Article 17 The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments shall, in

conjunction with the competent departments of natural resources, carry out monitoring of construction land,

with emphasis on land:


(1) Ever used to produce, use, store, recycle or dispose of toxic and hazardous substances;


(2) Ever for solid waste dumping and landfilling;


(3) Where a major or extraordinarily serious contamination accident occurred;


(4) Otr circumstances as stipulated by the competent departments of ecological environment and natural

resources under the State Council.


第三章  预防和保护

Chapter III Prevention and Protection


    第十八条 各类涉及土地利用的规划和可能造成土壤污染的建设项目,应当依法进行环境影响评价。


Article 18 All construction projects involving land use or causing potential soil contamination shall be subject to

environmental impact assessment in accordance with law. The environmental impact assessment shall contain the

possible adverse effects on the soil and the corresponding preventive measures to be taken.


    第十九条 生产、使用、贮存、运输、回收、处置、排放有毒有害物质的单位和个人,应当采取有效措


Article 19 Entities and individuals that produce, use, store, transport, collect, dispose of or discharge toxic or

hazardous substances shall take effective measures to prevent leakage, loss and spread of toxic and hazardous

substances to avoid soil contamination.


    第二条 国务院生态环境主管部门应当会同国务院卫生健康等主管部门,根据对公众健康、生态环境



Article 20 The competent department of ecological environment under the State Council shall, in conjunction

with the competent departments of hygiene and health and other departments at the same level, comprehensively

assess the toxic and hazardous substances in the soil based on the severity of harm to the public health and

ecological environment, and release and update from time to time the catalog of toxic and hazardous substances

in the soil under key control.


    第二十一条 设区的市级以上地方人民政府生态环境主管部门应当按照国务院生态环境主管部门的



Article 21 The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments at or above the

city (divided into districts) level shall, in accordance with the regulations of the competent department of

ecological environment under the State Council and based on the discharge of toxic and hazardous substances,

prepare and release a catalog of entities under the key supervision for soil contamination (the “catalog”) within

the their jurisdiction to the public and update it from time to time.


The entities under the key supervision for soil contamination shall fulfill the following obligations:


(1) Strictly control the discharge of toxic and hazardous substances, and report such discharge to the competent

departments of ecological environment on an annual basis;


(2) Establish a potential soil contamination identification system to ensure the leakage, loss and spread of toxic

and hazardous substances may be prevented in a continuous and effective manner.


(3) Develop and implement a self-monitoring program, and report the findings to the competent departments of

ecological environment.


The obligations described in the preceding paragraph shall be clearly stated in the pollutant discharge permit.



Entities under the key supervision for soil contamination shall be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy

of the monitoring data. The competent departments of ecological environment shall timely identify the cause

of any abnormal monitoring data provided by entities under the key supervision for soil contamination.


The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments at or above the city (divided

into districts) level shall conduct regular monitoring of the soil around the aforesaid entities.


    第二十二条 企业事业单位拆除设施、设备或者建筑物、构筑物的,应当采取相应的土壤污染防治


Article 22 Enterprises or institutions shall take corresponding measures to prevent and control soil contamination

when dismantling facilities, equipment, buildings or structures.



Entities under the key supervision for soil contamination shall develop a work plan for prevention and control of

soil contamination, including emergency measures, and report it to the competent departments of ecological

environment, industry and information technology under the local governments for the record before dismantling

any facilities, equipment, buildings or structures.


    第二十三条 各级人民政府生态环境、自然资源主管部门应当依法加强对矿产资源开发区域土壤污染


Article 23 The competent departments of ecological environment and natural resources under the local

governments at all levels shall strengthen the supervision and management of the prevention and control of soil

contamination in the mining areas in accordance with law, and strictly control the discharge of key pollutants

that may cause soil contamination based on relevant standards and according to the requirements for total

quantity control.




Entities engaged in operation and management of tailings ponds shall strengthen the safety management of

such ponds and take measures to prevent soil contamination in accordance with the provisions. Entities engaged

in operation and management of dangerous, hazardous or sick tailings ponds or other ponds under key supervision

shall conduct soil contamination monitoring and regular assessment in accordance with the provisions.


    第二十四条 国家鼓励在建筑、通信、电力、交通、水利等领域的信息、网络、防雷、接地等建设工程


Article 24 The State encourages the use of new technologies and materials in the information, network, lightning

protection, grounding and other projects in fields of construction, communications, power, transportation and

water conservancy, among others, to prevent soil contamination.


Use of any resistance reducing product with excessive heavy metals in the soil is forbidden.


    第二十五条 建设和运行污水集中处理设施、固体废物处置设施,应当依照法律法规和相关标准的要


Article 25 Entities constructing or operating centralized sewage treatment facilities or solid waste disposal

facilities shall take measures to prevent soil contamination in accordance with applicable laws and regulations

and relevant standards.




The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments shall regularly monitor the

soil around the centralized sewage treatment facilities and solid waste disposal facilities; entities operating

centralized sewage treatment facilities or solid waste disposal facilities that fail to meet the requirements of laws,

regulations or relevant standards, as suggested by the monitoring results, shall take corresponding improvement




The local governments at all levels shall comprehensively plan and construct the urban and rural domestic sewage

and garbage treatment and disposal facilities and ensure their normal operation to prevent soil contamination.


    第二十六条 国务院农业农村、林业草原主管部门应当制定规划,完善相关标准和措施,加强农用地农


Article 26 The competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, forestry and grasslands under the State

Council shall develop plans, improve relevant standards and measures, strengthen guidance on the use and total

quantity control of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural land, and further restrict the use of agricultural films.



The competent department of agriculture and rural affairs under the State Council shall strengthen the registration

of pesticides and fertilizers, and organize the safety assessment of effects of pesticides and fertilizers on the soil




The standards established for agricultural inputs and their packages such as the pesticides, veterinary drugs,

fertilizers, feeds, agricultural films, and the quality standards for farmland irrigation water shall meet the

requirements for soil contamination prevention and control.


    第二十七条 地方人民政府农业农村、林业草原主管部门应当开展农用地土壤污染防治宣传和技术培训



Article 27 The competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, forestry and grasslands under the local

governments shall carry out publicity and provide technical training on agricultural land soil contamination

prevention and control, support the provision of special agricultural production services, and educate agricultural

producers on rational use of agricultural inputs such as pesticides, veterinary drugs, fertilizers, feed and

agricultural films, to control the quantity of pesticides, veterinary drugs and fertilizers.




The competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs under the local governments shall encourage

agricultural producers to adopt farming measures conducive to soil contamination prevention, such as the

combination of farming and breeding, crop rotations and fallow; support soil improvement, soil fertility

enhancement and other measures that are conducive to soil conservation and cultivation; and support the

construction of livestock manure treatment and utilization facilities.


    第二十八条 禁止向农用地排放重金属或者其他有毒有害物质含量超标的污水、污泥,以及可能造成


Article 28 Discharge of sewage or sludge containing excessive heavy metals or other hazardous substances, or

dredged sediments, tailings or slag likely causing soil contamination to agricultural land is strictly forbidden.



Relevant departments under the local governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the supervision

and management of the collection, storage, utilization and disposal of excrements of livestock, biogas residue

and biogas slurry to prevent soil contamination.




Farmland irrigation water shall meet corresponding quality standards, so as to prevent soil, groundwater and

agricultural products from being contaminated. The competent departments of ecological environment under

the local governments shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs

and water conservancy, strengthen the management of quality of farmland irrigation water by conducting

monitoring and examinations.


    第二十九条 国家鼓励和支持农业生产者采取下列措施:

Article 29 The State encourages and supports the agricultural producers to take the following measures:


(1) use low-toxic, low-residue pesticides and advanced spraying techniques;


(2) use up-to-standard organic fertilizers and high-efficiency fertilizers;


(3) conduct fertilization based on soil testing results and control pests through biological means;


(4) use biodegradable agricultural films;


(5) comprehensively utilize straws and remove pollutant-rich straw;


(6) improve acidic soil in accordance with regulations.


    第三十条 禁止生产、销售、使用国家明令禁止的农业投入品。

Article 30 Production, sale or use of agricultural inputs that are expressly prohibited by the State is forbidden.




Producers, sellers and users of agricultural inputs shall timely collect empty packages of pesticides and

fertilizers, and agricultural films, and hand them over to the special institutions or organizations for harmless

treatment. The specific measures shall be formulated by the competent department of agriculture and rural

affairs under the State Council in conjunction with the competent department of ecological environment at

the same level.


The State uses incentives to encourage and support entities and individuals to collect empty packages of

agricultural inputs and agricultural films.


    第三十一条 国家加强对未污染土壤的保护。

Article 31 The State shall strengthen the protection of non-contaminated soil.


The local governments at all levels shall pay special attention to the protection of non-contaminated cultivated

land, forestland, grassland and drinking water sources.


The local governments at all levels shall strengthen the protection of natural reserves such as national parks to

maintain their ecological functions.


The unused land shall be protected from contamination and damage.


    第三十二条 县级以上地方人民政府及其有关部门应当按照土地利用总体规划和城乡规划,严格执行



Article 32 The local governments at or above the county level and the relevant departments under them shall

strictly observe the rules concerning location selection of industrial entities as set out in the overall land use plan

and the urban and rural plan, and prohibit the construction, reconstruction, and expansion of projects that may

cause soil contamination in areas near the residential areas, schools, hospitals, nursing homes or homes for

the ages.


    第三十三条 国家加强对土壤资源的保护和合理利用。对开发建设过程中剥离的表土,应当单独收集和


Article 33 The State intensifies the protection and rational utilization of soil resources. The topsoil stripped

during the development and construction process shall be collected and stored separately, and where the

conditions permit, be used for land reclamation, soil improvement, land cultivation and greening.


Use of industrial solid wastes or domestic garbage containing excessive heavy metals or other toxic or harmful

substances or contaminated soil for land reclamation is strictly forbidden.


    第三十四条 因科学研究等特殊原因,需要进口土壤的,应当遵守国家出入境检验检疫的有关规定。

Article 34 The import of soil, where necessary due to special reasons such as for scientific research, shall be in

compliance with relevant entry and exit inspection and quarantine regulations of the state.


第四章  风险管控和修复

Chapter IV Risk Management and Remediation


第一节  一般规定

Section 1 General Regulations


    第三十五条 土壤污染风险管控和修复,包括土壤污染状况调查和土壤污染风险评估、风险管控、修


Article 35 The soil contamination risk management and control and remediation efforts include soil contamination

survey and soil contamination risk assessment, risk management and control, remediation, risk management and

control effect assessment, remediation effect assessment and later-phase management.


    第三十六条 实施土壤污染状况调查活动,应当编制土壤污染状况调查报告。

Article 36 A report of soil contamination shall be prepared following the completion of a soil contamination survey.




The survey report shall mainly include the basic information about the land and whether the content of pollutants

exceeds the standards for management and control of soil contamination risks. If the pollutant content exceeds

such standards, the survey report shall also include the type and source of contamination, and whether the

groundwater is contaminated.


    第三十七条 实施土壤污染风险评估活动,应当编制土壤污染风险评估报告。

Article 37 An assessment report shall be prepared following the completion of a soil contamination risk assessment.


The assessment report shall mainly include the following:


(1) the information about major pollutants;


(2) the scope of contamination of soil and groundwater;


(3) the quality safety risks, public health risks or ecological risks imposed by agricultural products;


(4) the targets and basic requirements for risk management and control and remediation.


    第三十八条 实施风险管控、修复活动,应当因地制宜、科学合理,提高针对性和有效性。

Article 38 The risk management and control activities shall be tailored to local conditions, and be scientific,

reasonable, targeted and effective.


The risk management and control activities shall not cause new contamination to the soil or the surrounding



    第三十九条 实施风险管控、修复活动前,地方人民政府有关部门有权根据实际情况,要求土壤污染


Aticle 39 Relevant departments under the local governments have the right, prior to the implementation of the

risk management and control activities and in light of actual situations, to require the persons accountable for

soil contamination and land-use rights holders to remove contamination sources to prevent the spread of



    第四十条 实施风险管控、修复活动中产生的废水、废气和固体废物,应当按照规定进行处理、处置,


Article 40 The waste water, waste gas and solid wastes generated from risk management and control or

remediation activities shall be processed and disposed of in accordance with relevant regulations to meet the

environmental protection standards.



The solid wastes generated from risk management and control or remediation activities, and the dismantled

facilities, equipment, buildings or structures that belong to hazardous wastes shall be disposed of in accordance

with laws, regulations and relevant standards.


During the remediation period, a bulletin board shall be set up to disclose to the public relevant information

and the environmental protection measures that have been taken.


    第四十一条 修复施工单位转运污染土壤的,应当制定转运计划,将运输时间、方式、线路和污染土壤


Article 41 Entities to be engaged in transport of contaminated soil in the process of remediation shall first

develop a transport plan stating the transport time, mode, route and the quantity, destination and final disposal

measures of the contaminated soil, and submit it to the competent departments of ecological environment in the

places where the soil is to be transported out and transported in for approval.


The contaminated soil to be transported that is classified as hazardous waste shall be disposed of by the above

entities in accordance with laws, regulations and relevant standards.


    第四十二条 实施风险管控效果评估、修复效果评估活动,应当编制效果评估报告。

Article 42 An effect assessment report shall be developed following the completion of the assessment of risk

management and control or remediation.


The effect assessment report shall mainly deal with the issue of whether the targets for risk management and

control or remediation as set out in the soil contamination risk assessment report are met.


Following the risk management and control or remediation, the persons accountable for soil contamination

shall conduct later-phase management as required in accordance with relevant requirements.


    第四十三条 从事土壤污染状况调查和土壤污染风险评估、风险管控、修复、风险管控效果评估、修复


Article 43 Entities to be engaged in soil contamination survey, soil contamination risk assessment, risk

management and control, remediation, risk management and control effect assessment, remediation effect

assessment, or later-phase management shall have obtained the required expertise.



Entities commissioned to conduct activities described in the preceding paragraph shall be responsible for the

authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the survey report, the risk assessment report, the risk management

and control effect assessment report, or the remediation effect assessment report issued by them, and for the

consequence of the risk management and control, remediation or later-phase management as agreed.


    第四十四条 发生突发事件可能造成土壤污染的,地方人民政府及其有关部门和相关企业事业单位以及



Article 44 In case of any unexpected event may cause soil contamination, the local governments and the relevant

departments under them, enterprises, institutions and business entities shall immediately take emergency

measures to prevent soil contamination, and conduct soil contamination monitoring, survey, soil contamination

risk assessment, risk management and control and remediation in accordance with this Law.


    第四十五条 土壤污染责任人负有实施土壤污染风险管控和修复的义务。土壤污染责任人无法认定的,


Article 45 The persons accountable for soil contamination are obliged to implement the soil contamination risk

management and control and remediation. If the persons accountable for soil contamination are unidentifiable,

the aforesaid obligation shall be shifted over to the land-use rights holders.


The local governments and the relevant departments under them may organize the soil contamination risk

management and control or remediation in light of actual conditions.


The State encourages and supports relevant parties to voluntarily implement soil contamination risk

management and control.


    第四十六条 因实施或者组织实施土壤污染状况调查和土壤污染风险评估、风险管控、修复、风险管


Article 46 The expenses arising from implementation or organization of the soil contamination survey, soil

contamination risk assessment, risk management and control, remediation, risk management and control

effect assessment, remediation effect assessment and later-phase management shall be borne by the persons

accountable for soil contamination.


    第四十七条 土壤污染责任人变更的,由变更后承继其债权、债务的单位或者个人履行相关土壤污染


Article 47 In case of change of the persons accountable for soil contamination, the entities or individuals that

inherit the creditor's rights and debts of such persons shall be liable for the soil contamination risk management

and control and remediation, and bear relevant expenses.


    第四十八条 土壤污染责任人不明确或者存在争议的,农用地由地方人民政府农业农村、林业草原主管



Article 48 If the persons accountable for soil contamination are unclear or controversial, and if the land involved

is the agricultural land, such persons shall be determined by the competent departments of agriculture and rural

affairs, forestry and grassland, in conjunction with the competent departments of ecological environment and

natural resources under the local governments; if the land involved is the construction land, such persons shall

be determined by the competent departments of ecological environment and natural resources under the local

governments. The specific method shall be developed by the competent department of ecological environment

under the State Council in conjunction with relevant departments.


第二节  农用地

Section 2 Agricultural Land


    第四十九条 国家建立农用地分类管理制度。按照土壤污染程度和相关标准,将农用地划分为优先保护


Article 49 The State adopts a classified management system for agricultural land. The agricultural land is

divided into three categories: land under priority protection, land for safe use and land under strict control,

based on the degree of soil contamination and relevant standards.


    第五十条 县级以上地方人民政府应当依法将符合条件的优先保护类耕地划为永久基本农田,实行严格


Article 50 The local governments at or above the county level shall classify the qualifying land under priority

protection as permanent capital farmland for strict protection in accordance with law.


No construction project that may cause soil contamination shall be permitted in the concentration areas of

permanent capital farmland. If such project has been completed, the close-down and demolition shall be

completed within the specified time.


    第五十一条 未利用地、复垦土地等拟开垦为耕地的,地方人民政府农业农村主管部门应当会同生态


Article 51 When the unused land or reclaimed land is to be used as cultivated land, the competent departments

of agriculture and rural affairs shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of ecological environment

and natural resources under the local governments, conduct a survey on soil contamination and conduct classified

management in accordance with law.


    第五十二条 对土壤污染状况普查、详查和监测、现场检查表明有土壤污染风险的农用地地块,地方人


Article 52 For any farmland exposed to soil contamination risks as suggested by the soil contamination survey,

detailed survey, monitoring or on-site examination, the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs,

forestry and grassland shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of ecological environment and

natural resources under the local governments, conduct a survey on soil contamination.




If the survey results show that the content of pollutants in soil exceeds the standards for management and control

of soil contamination risks, the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, forestry and grassland

shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of ecological environment and natural resources under the

local governments, conduct a soil contamination risk assessment and manage the farmland under the agricultural

land classified management system.


    第五十三条 对安全利用类农用地地块,地方人民政府农业农村、林业草原主管部门,应当结合主要


Article 53 For agricultural land in the category of land for safe use, the competent departments of agriculture and

rural affairs, forestry and grassland under the local governments shall develop a safe use plan by taking into

account the main crop varieties and planting habits.


The safe use plan shall contain the following:


(1) Agronomic regulation and alternative planting;


(2) Coordinated monitoring and assessment of soil and agricultural products on a regular basis;


(3) Technical guidance and training for farmers, farmers' professional cooperatives and other agricultural

production and operation entities;


(4) Other risk management and control measures.


    第五十四条 对严格管控类农用地地块,地方人民政府农业农村、林业草原主管部门应当采取下列风险


Article 54 For agricultural land under strict control, the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs,

forestry and grassland under the local governments shall adopt the following risk management and control



(1) Propose areas for prohibition of production of specific agricultural products, and report them to the local

governments at the same level for approval;


(2) Conduct coordinated monitoring and assessment of soil and agricultural products in accordance with regulations;


(3) Provide technical guidance and training for farmers, farmers' professional cooperatives and other agricultural

production and operation entities;


(4) Other risk management and control measures.



The local governments at all levels and the relevant departments under them shall encourage the application of

risk management and control measures for land under strict control, such as adjusting the plantation structure,

returning farmland to forests and grasslands, returning farmland to wetlands, crop rotation, land fallow, rotational

grazing and rest grazing, and render appropriate policy support.


    第五十五条 安全利用类和严格管控类农用地地块的土壤污染影响或者可能影响地下水、饮用水水源



Article 55 For agricultural land in the categories of land for safe use and land under strict control that affects or

likely affects the safety of ground water and drinking water, the competent department of ecological environment

shall, in conjunction of competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, forestry and grassland under the

local governments, develop a contamination prevention and control plan and take corresponding measures.


    第五十六条 对安全利用类和严格管控类农用地地块,土壤污染责任人应当按照国家有关规定以及土壤



Article 56 For agricultural land in the categories of land for safe use and land under strict control, the persons

accountable for soil contamination shall, in accordance with relevant provisions of the State and the requirements

of the soil contamination risk assessment report, adopt corresponding risk control measures and regularly report

to the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, forestry and grassland under the local governments.


    第五十七条 对产出的农产品污染物含量超标,需要实施修复的农用地地块,土壤污染责任人应当编制



Article 57 For agricultural land that needs to be remediated due to excessive content of pollutants in agricultural

products, the persons accountable for soil contamination shall develop a remediation plan and report it to the

competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, forestry and grassland under the local governments for

the record and approval. The remediation plan shall contain the measures for prevention and control of

groundwater contamination.



In remediation, bioremediation measures that do not affect the agricultural production or reduce the soil

production function shall be give priority to block or reduce pollutants entering the edible parts of crops, and

ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products.



Following the completion of risk management and control and remediation, the persons accountable for soil

contamination shall commission relevant agencies to assess the effects of risk control and remediation separately,

and deliver the assessment report to the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, forestry and

grassland under the local governments for the record.



Rural collective economic organizations and their members, farmers' professional cooperatives and other

agricultural production and management entities have the obligation to provide assistance in soil contamination

risk management and control and remediation.


第三节  建设用地

Section III Construction Land


    第五十八条 国家实行建设用地土壤污染风险管控和修复名录制度。

Article 58 The State practices a catalog system for construction land subject to soil contamination risk

management and control and remediation.



The catalog of construction land subject to soil contamination risk management and control and remediation shall

be prepared by the competent department of ecological environment, in conjunction with the competent

departments of natural resources of the provincial local governments, be disclosed to the public in accordance

with regulations, and be updated from time to time in light of the progress of the risk management and control

and remediation efforts.


    第五十九条 对土壤污染状况普查、详查和监测、现场检查表明有土壤污染风险的建设用地地块,地方


Article 59 For any construction land exposed to soil contamination risks as suggested by the soil contamination

survey, detailed survey, monitoring or on-site examination, the competent departments of ecological environment

under the local governments shall require the land-use rights holders to conduct a soil contamination survey in

accordance with relevant regulations.


Construction land that is to be used for residential, public management or public service purpose shall be subject

to a soil contamination survey in accordance with relevant regulations beforehand.



The soil contamination survey report described in the preceding two paragraphs shall be submitted to the

competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments, which will conduct a review

together with the competent departments of natural resources at the same level.


    第六十条 对土壤污染状况调查报告评审表明污染物含量超过土壤污染风险管控标准的建设用地地块,



Article 60 If the survey results show that the content of pollutants in soil of the construction land exceeds the

standards for management and control of soil contamination risks, the persons accountable for soil contamination

or the land-use rights holders shall conduct a soil contamination risk assessment in accordance with regulations

of the competent department of ecological environment under the State Council, and submit an assessment report

to the competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments at the provincial level.


    第六十一条 省级人民政府生态环境主管部门应当会同自然资源等主管部门按照国务院生态环境主管



Article 61 The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments at the provincial

level shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of natural resources and other departments, review

the soil contamination risk assessment report in accordance with regulations of the competent department of

ecological environment under the State Council, and incorporate the land that is subject to soil contamination

risk management and control and remediation to the abovementioned catalog and make a report to the competent

department of ecological environment under the State Council on a regular basis.


Land in the catalog of construction land subject to soil contamination risk management and control and

remediation shall not be used for residential, public management and public service purposes.


    第六十二条 对建设用地土壤污染风险管控和修复名录中的地块,土壤污染责任人应当按照国家有关



Article 62 For land in the catalog, the persons accountable for soil contamination shall take corresponding risk

management and control measures in accordance with relevant regulations of the State and the requirements

of the soil contamination risk assessment report, and regularly make a report to the competent departments

of ecological environment under the local governments. The risk management and control measures shall

cover the prevention and control of groundwater contamination.


    第六十三条 对建设用地土壤污染风险管控和修复名录中的地块,地方人民政府生态环境主管部门可以


Article 63 For land in the catalog, the competent departments of ecological environment under the local

governments may, in light of the actual situations, take the following risk management and control measures:


(1) Propose the isolated areas and report them to the local governments at the same level for approval.


(2) Conduct monitoring of soil and groundwater contamination;


(3)Other risk management and control measures.


    第六十四条 对建设用地土壤污染风险管控和修复名录中需要实施修复的地块,土壤污染责任人应当



Article 64 For land in the catalog that needs to be remediated, the persons accountable for soil contamination

shall develop a remediation plan based on the comprehensive land utilization plan and the rural and urban plan,

and report it to the competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments for the

record and approval. The remediation plan shall contain the measures for prevention and control of groundwater



    第六十五条 风险管控、修复活动完成后,土壤污染责任人应当另行委托有关单位对风险管控效果、


Article 65 Following the completion of risk management and control and remediation, the persons accountable

for soil contamination shall commission relevant agencies to assess the effects of risk control and remediation

separately, and deliver the assessment report to the competent departments of ecological environment under the

local governments for the record.


    第六十六条 对达到土壤污染风险评估报告确定的风险管控、修复目标的建设用地地块,土壤污染责


Article 66 For construction land that meets the targets of risk management and control and remediation as set out

in the soil contamination risk assessment report, the persons accountable for soil contamination and the land-use

rights holders may apply to the competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments

at the provincial level for removal of such land from the catalog.





The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments at the provincial level shall,

in conjunction with the competent departments of natural resources, organize the review of the assessment

reports on the risk management and control effect and the remediation effect, and timely remove the land that

meets the targets of risk management and control and remediation as set out in the soil contamination risk

assessment report out of the catalog, and make a disclosure to the public in accordance with regulations, and

a report to the competent department of ecological environment under the State Council on a regular basis.



Construction land that fails to meet the targets of risk management and control and remediation as set out in the

soil contamination risk assessment report shall not be used for any project unrelated to the risk management and

control or remediation.


    第六十七条 土壤污染重点监管单位生产经营用地的用途变更或者在其土地使用权收回、转让前,应当



Article 67 The land occupied by business entities under the key supervision for soil contamination shall be

subject to a soil contamination survey by the land-use rights holders in accordance with relevant regulations

before it is used for any other purpose or the use rights of which are recovered or transferred. The soil

contamination survey report shall be submitted to the real estate registration authority under the local

governments as part of the real estate registration materials, and be reported to the competent departments

of ecological environment under the local governments for the record.


    第六十八条 土地使用权已经被地方人民政府收回,土壤污染责任人为原土地使用权人的,由地方人民


Article 68 If the land-use rights have been recovered by the local governments and the accountability for soil

contamination resides with the original land-use rights holders, the local governments shall organize the soil

contamination risk management and control or remediation.


第五章  保障和监督

Chapter V Protection and Supervision


    第六十九条 国家采取有利于土壤污染防治的财政、税收、价格、金融等经济政策和措施。

Article 69 The State adopts fiscal, taxation, price, financial and other economic policies and measures that are

conducive to the prevention and control of soil contamination.


    第七十条 各级人民政府应当加强对土壤污染的防治,安排必要的资金用于下列事项:

Article 70 The local governments at all levels shall strengthen the prevention and control of soil contamination

and grant funds for:


(1) Scientific and technological research and development projects and demonstration projects concerning the

prevention and control of soil contamination;



(2) The soil contamination survey, monitoring, identification of persons accountable for soil contamination,

risk assessment, risk management and control, and remediation activities organized by the local governments

at all levels and the relevant departments under them;


(3) Responses to emergencies involving soil contamination by the local governments at all levels and the

relevant departments under them;


(4) Other matters in relation to the prevention and control of soil contamination as prescribed by the local

governments at all levels.


Performance management and audit supervision shall be strengthened to ensure the funds are used in an

effective manner.


    第七十一条 国家加大土壤污染防治资金投入力度,建立土壤污染防治基金制度。设立中央土壤污染



Article 71 The State has increased investments in soil contamination prevention and control and established a

funding system for this purpose. Special funds from the central government and provincial governments for the

prevention and control of soil contamination shall be established for soil contamination risk management and

control or remediation when the persons accountable for soil contamination or the land-use rights holders are

unidentifiable or for other matters regulated by the government.



For contaminated land generated before the date of this Law and for which the persons accountable for soil

contamination are unidentifiable, the land-use rights holders that are actually performing the soil contamination

risk management and control or remediation may apply for such funds for the purpose of soil contamination

risk management and control or remediation.



The specific management measures for the soil contamination prevention and control funds shall be formulated

by the competent financial department under the State Council in conjunction with the competent departments

of ecological environment, agriculture and rural affairs, natural resources, housing and urban construction, and

forestry and grassland at the same level.


    第七十二条 国家鼓励金融机构加大对土壤污染风险管控和修复项目的信贷投放。

Article 72 The State encourages financial institutions to increase credit lending to soil contamination risk

management and control projects.


The State encourages financial institutions to conduct a soil contamination survey when they handle the land

rights mortgage business.


    第七十三条 从事土壤污染风险管控和修复的单位依照法律、行政法规的规定,享受税收优惠。

Article 73 Entities engaged in the soil contamination risk management and control or remediation are entitled

to tax benefits prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.


    第七十四条 国家鼓励并提倡社会各界为防治土壤污染捐赠财产,并依照法律、行政法规的规定,给予


Article 74 The State encourages all sectors of the society to donate to the prevention and control of soil

contamination, and donators are entitled to tax preferences in accordance with laws and administrative



    第七十五条 县级以上人民政府应当将土壤污染防治情况纳入环境状况和环境保护目标完成情况年度


Article 75 The local governments at or above the county level shall incorporate the prevention and control of

soil contamination into the annual report on the environmental conditions and fulfillment of environmental

protection targets to be submitted to the people's congress or the standing committee of the people's congress

at the same level.


    第七十六条 省级以上人民政府生态环境主管部门应当会同有关部门对土壤污染问题突出、防治工作



Article 76 The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments at or above the

provincial level shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments, meet the main leaders of the local

governments at or above the city (divided into districts) level and the relevant departments under them in the

places where the soil contamination issue is prominent, or insufficiently addressed, or arises the people’s strong

concern, and ask them to timely adopt corrective measures. Information about the meeting and the corrective

measures to be adopted shall be disclosed to the public.


    第七十七条 生态环境主管部门及其环境执法机构和其他负有土壤污染防治监督管理职责的部门,有



Article 77 The competent departments of ecological environment, the environmental law enforcement agencies

and other departments responsible for the supervision and management of soil contamination prevention and

control shall have the right to conduct on-site inspections and sampling at enterprises, institutions or other

business entities engaged in activities that may cause soil contamination, while requesting them to provide

relevant materials and make explanations for relevant issues.


The entities subject to the inspection shall be cooperative during the inspection process by providing authentic

information required.


The departments, agencies and their workers involved in the on-site inspection shall keep confidential the trade

secrets of the entities inspected.


    第七十八条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者违反法律法规规定排放有毒有害物质,造成或者可能造成



Article 78 The competent departments of ecological environment and other departments responsible for the

supervision and management of contamination prevention and control may seize and detain relevant facilities,

equipment and articles of enterprises, institutions and other business entities that discharge toxic and hazardous

substances in violation of laws and regulations that cause or may cause serious soil contamination, or are

expected to destroy or conceal relevant evidence.


    第七十九条 地方人民政府安全生产监督管理部门应当监督尾矿库运营、管理单位履行防治土壤污染的



Article 79 The departments responsible for supervision and management of workplace safety under the local

governments shall supervise the fulfillment of the statutory obligation of soil contamination prevention by

entities engaged in operation and management of tailings ponds to prevent accidents that may contaminate the

soil; The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments shall strengthen the

supervision, inspection and regular assessment of the prevention and control of soil contamination by the

tailings ponds, and promptly urge entities engaged in operation and management of tailings ponds to take

corresponding measures to address the potential risks identified,



The local governments and the relevant departments under them shall, in accordance with law, strengthen the

supervision and inspection of illegal discharge of toxic and hazardous substances into unused land such as

deserts, tidal flats, saline-alkali land and marshes.


    第八十条 省级以上人民政府生态环境主管部门和其他负有土壤污染防治监督管理职责的部门应当将




Article 80 The competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments at or above the

provincial level and other departments responsible for the supervision and management of soil contamination

prevention and control shall include entities and individuals engaged in soil contamination survey, soil

contamination risk assessment, risk management and control, remediation, risk management and control effect

assessment, remediation effect assessment and later-phase management into the credit system to establish credit

records for them, and record their violations into the social credit archives and the national credit information

sharing platform as well as the national enterprise credit information disclosure system for disclosure to the public.


    第八十一条 生态环境主管部门和其他负有土壤污染防治监督管理职责的部门应当依法公开土壤污染


Article 81 The competent departments of ecological environment and other departments responsible for the

supervision and management of soil contamination prevention and control shall disclose the information on

soil contamination and the prevention and control efforts in accordance with law.




The competent department of ecological environment under the State Council is responsible for the unified

disclosure of the national soil environment information; the competent departments of ecological environment

under the local governments at the provincial level are responsible for the unified disclosure of soil

environment information within their jurisdiction. The competent departments of ecological environment

shall timely inform the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs, hygiene and health, and

food safety at the same level of significant soil environment information concerning the production areas

of major edible agricultural products.


Citizens, legal persons and other organizations have the right to obtain information on soil contamination and

the prevention and control efforts, and to participate in and supervise the prevention and control of soil

contamination in accordance with law.


    第八十二条 土壤污染状况普查报告、监测数据、调查报告和土壤污染风险评估报告、风险管控效果


Article 82 The soil contamination survey report, monitoring data, the sampling report, the soil contamination

risk assessment report, the risk management and control effect assessment report and the remediation effect

assessment report shall be timely uploaded to the national soil environment information platform.


    第八十三条 新闻媒体对违反土壤污染防治法律法规的行为享有舆论监督的权利,受监督的单位和个


Article 83 The news media shall have the right to supervise the prevention and control of soil contamination

for any violation of laws and regulations, and the units and individuals under supervision shall not retaliate

against them.


    第八十四条 任何组织和个人对污染土壤的行为,均有向生态环境主管部门和其他负有土壤污染防治


Article 84 All entities and individuals shall have the right to report the soil contamination to the competent

departments of ecological environment and other departments responsible for the supervision and management

of soil contamination prevention and control.



The competent departments of ecological environment and other departments responsible for the supervision and

management of soil contamination prevention and control shall publicize the means of reporting to the public

to enable the reporting.


The department receiving the report shall timely respond and keep confidential the information of the reporter;

In case of real-name reporting and the reported case is verified to be true, the reporter shall be rewarded.


If the report is against the entity where the reporter works, the entity shall not retaliate against the reporter by any

means such as dismissing him or changing the labor contract.


第六章  法律责任

Chapter VI Legal Liability


    第八十五条 地方各级人民政府、生态环境主管部门或者其他负有土壤污染防治监督管理职责的部门未


Article 85 If any local governments, or the competent departments of ecological environment or other

departments responsible for the supervision and management of soil contamination prevention and control fail

to perform their duties in accordance with the provisions of this Law, an administrative sanction shall be

imposed on the persons in charge and other directly responsible persons.


Where an administrative sanction that should have been imposed in accordance with the provisions of this Law

fails to be imposed, the competent department at a higher level may directly impose such sanction.


    第八十六条 违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由地方人民政府生态环境主管部门或者其他负有土壤


Article 86 Entities that conduct any of the following activities in violation of provisions of this Law will be

ordered by the competent departments of ecological environment or other departments responsible for the

supervision and management of soil contamination prevention and control to take corrective measures and

be subject to a fine or a closedown if they refuse to make corrections:


(1) Entities under the key supervision for soil contamination failed to develop and implement a self-monitoring

plan, or failed to report the monitoring data to the competent departments of ecological environment;


(2) Entities under the key supervision for soil contamination falsified or forged monitoring data;



(3) Entities under the key supervision for soil contamination failed to report the discharge of toxic and

hazardous substances on a yearly basis or failed to develop a system for identifying and eliminating hidden

risks of soil contamination;



(4) Enterprises and institutions failed to adopt corresponding measures for prevention and control of soil

contamination when demolishing facilities, equipment, buildings or structures; or entities under the key

supervision for soil contamination failed to develop or implement a plan for prevention and control of

soil contamination;


(5) Entities engaged in the operation and management of tailings ponds failed to take measures to prevent soil

contamination in accordance with the provisions;


(6) Entities engaged in the operation and management of tailings ponds failed to monitor the soil contamination

in accordance with the provisions;



(7) Entities engaged in the construction and operation of centralized sewage treatment facilities or solid waste

disposal facilities failed to take measures to prevent soil contamination in accordance with laws, regulations

and relevant standards.



For any activity described in the preceding paragraph, a fine of not less than RMB 20,000 but not more than

RMB 200,000 will be imposed; For any activity described in item 2, 4, 5 and 7 of the preceding paragraph that

caused serious consequences, a fine of not less than RMB 200,000 but not more than RMB 2 million will be



    第八十七条 违反本法规定,向农用地排放重金属或者其他有毒有害物质含量超标的污水、污泥,以及




Article 87 Entities that discharge sewage or sludge containing excessive heavy metals or other toxic and

hazardous substances or dredged sediments or tailings or slag that may cause soil contamination to agricultural

land in violation of the provisions of this Law will be ordered by the competent departments of ecological

environment under the local governments to make corrections, and be subject to a fine of not less than

RMB 100,000 but not more than RMB 500,000; if the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than

RMB 500,000 but not more than RMB 2 million may be imposed, and the case may be transferred to the

public security organ, and the persons in charge and other directly responsible personnel will face a detention

of more than five days but less than fifteen days; The illegal income, if any, will be confiscated.


    第八十八条 违反本法规定,农业投入品生产者、销售者、使用者未按照规定及时回收肥料等农业投入




Article 88: Producers, sellers and users of agricultural inputs that failed to timely collect the empty packages of

agricultural inputs such as fertilizers or films as required by this Law, or failed to timely hand over such empty

packages to the special agencies or organizations for harmless treatment in accordance with the provisions will

be ordered by the competent departments of agriculture and rural affairs under the local governments to make

corrections and be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 10,000 but not more than RMB 100,000; if the users

of agricultural inputs are individuals, the fine will be between RMB 200 and RMB 2,000.


    第八十九条 违反本法规定,将重金属或者其他有毒有害物质含量超标的工业固体废物、生活垃圾或者



Article 89 Entities that use industrial solid wastes, domestic garbage or contaminated soil containing excessive

heavy metals or other toxic or hazardous substances for land reclamation in violation of the provisions of this

Law will be ordered by the competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments to

make corrections and be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 100,000 but not more than RMB 1million; the

illegal income, if any, will be confiscated.


    第九十条 违反本法规定,受委托从事土壤污染状况调查和土壤污染风险评估、风险管控效果评估、修




Article 90 Entities that are commissioned to conduct soil contamination survey, soil contamination risk

assessment, risk management and control effect assessment or remediation effect assessment act in violation

of the provisions of this Law, or issue a false survey report, risk assessment report, risk management and control

effect assessment report, or remediation report will be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 100,000 but not

more than RMB 500,000 imposed by the competent departments of ecological environment under the local

governments. If the circumstances are serious, the entities will be banned from engaging in the above-mentioned

business and be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 500,000 but not more than 1 million; the illegal income,

if any, will be confiscated.




In case of provision of a false report as described in the preceding paragraph, the persons directly in charge and

other directly responsible persons will be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 10,000 but not more than

RMB 50,000 imposed by the competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments.

If the circumstances are serious, the entities will be banned from engaging in the business specified in the

preceding paragraph for ten years; if a crime is constituted, the entities will be forever banned from engaging

in the business specified in the preceding paragraph.



If the entities described in the first paragraph of this Article maliciously collude with the commissioning party

to produce a false report, thus causing personal or property damage to others, they shall also bear the joint and

several liability with the commissioning party.


    第九十一条 违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由地方人民政府生态环境主管部门责令改正,处十



Article 91 Entities that conduct any of the following activities in violation of the provisions of this Law will be

ordered by the competent departments of ecological environment under the local governments to make

corrections, and be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 100,000 but not more than RMB 500,000; if the

circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than RMB 500,000 but not more than RMB 1 million will be

imposed; the illegal income, if any, will be confiscated. The persons directly in charge and other directly

responsible persons will be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 5,000 but not more than RMB 20,000 in

case of failure to:


(1) The topsoil stripped during the development and construction process has not been collected and stored



(2) The risk management and control or remediation activities caused new contamination to the soil and

surrounding environment;



(3) In case of transport of the contaminated soil, the transport time, mode, route, the quantity of contaminated

soil, destination and the final disposal measures have not been reported to the competent departments of

ecological environment in the places where the soil is to be transported out and transported in;



(4) The construction land that failed to meet the targets of risk management and control or remediation as set

out in the soil contamination risk assessment report is used for projects unrelated to the risk management and

control or remediation.


    第九十二条 违反本法规定,土壤污染责任人或者土地使用权人未按照规定实施后期管理的,由地方



Article 92 Persons accountable for soil contamination or land-use rights holders that failed to conduct later-phase

management in accordance with the provisions of this Law will be ordered to make corrections by the competent

departments of ecological environment or other departments responsible for the supervision and management of

soil contamination prevention and control and be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 10,000 but not more than

RMB 50,000; if the circumstances are serious, a fine of not less than RMB 50,000 but not more than

RMB 500,000 will be imposed.


    第九十三条 违反本法规定,被检查者拒不配合检查,或者在接受检查时弄虚作假的,由地方人民政府



Article 93 Entities that refuse to cooperate or practice frauds during inspection in violation of the provisions of

this Law will be ordered to make corrections by the competent departments of ecological environment or other

departments responsible for the supervision and management of soil contamination prevention and control, and

be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 20,000 but not more than RMB 200,000; The persons directly in

charge and other directly responsible persons will be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 5,000 but not more

than RMB 20,000.


    第九十四条 违反本法规定,土壤污染责任人或者土地使用权人有下列行为之一的,由地方人民政府生




Article 94 Persons accountable for soil contamination or land-use rights holders that conduct any of the following

activities will be ordered to make corrections by the competent departments of ecological environment under the

local governments or other departments responsible for the supervision and management of soil contamination

prevention and control and be subject to a fine not less than RMB 20,000 but not more than RMB 200,000; those

who refuse to make corrections will be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 200,000 but not more than RMB1

million; if the corrections are commissioned to other parties, the expenses incurred shall be borne by the persons

accountable for soil contamination or the land-use rights holders. The persons directly in charge and other directly

responsible persons will be subject to a fine of not less than RMB 5,000 but not more than RMB 20,000 in case

of failure to:


(1) conduct a soil contamination survey in accordance with the provisions;


(2) conduct a soil contamination risk assessment in accordance with the provisions;


(3) take risk management and control measures in accordance with the provisions;


(4) conduct remediation in accordance with the provisions;


(5) commission relevant agencies to assess the effect of risk management and control or remediation following

the completion of the risk management and control or remediation activities separately.




If the persons accountable for soil contamination or land-use rights holders fall into any circumstance described

in item 3 or 4 above and the consequences are serious, the competent departments of ecological environment

under the local governments or other departments responsible for the supervision and management of soil

contamination prevention and control may transfer the case to the public security organ, and detain the persons

directly in charge and other responsible for more than 5 days but not less than 15 days.


    第九十五条 违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由地方人民政府有关部门责令改正;拒不改正的,处


Article 95 Entities that conduct any of the following activities in violation of the provisions of this Law will be

ordered by relevant department under the local governments to make corrections; those who refuse to make

corrections will be subject to a fine of not less than RMB10,000 but not more than RMB 50,000:



(1) The entities under the key supervision for soil contamination failed to submit the soil contamination prevention

and control plan in accordance with the provisions to the competent departments of ecological environment, industry

and information technology under the local governments for the record;



(2) The persons accountable for soil contamination or the land-use rights holders failed to submit the remediation

plan or the remediation effect assessment report in accordance with the provisions to the competent departments

of ecological environment, agriculture and rural affairs, forestry and grassland under the local governments for

the record;


(3) The land-use rights holders failed to submit the soil contamination survey report to the competent departments

of ecological environment under the local governments for the record.


    第九十六条 污染土壤造成他人人身或者财产损害的,应当依法承担侵权责任。

Article 96 If any personal or property damage is caused to others, the persons accountable for soil contamination

shall bear the tort liability in accordance with law.



If the persons accountable for soil contamination are unidentifiable, the land-use rights holders that failed to

perform the soil contamination risk management and control or remediation obligation in accordance with the

provisions of this Law, and thus causing personal or property damage to others shall bear the tort liability in

accordance with law.



In case of civil disputes caused by soil contamination, the parties may apply to the competent departments of

ecological environment under the local governments for mediation, or bring a lawsuit before the people's court.


    第九十七条 污染土壤损害国家利益、社会公共利益的,有关机关和组织可以依照《中华人民共和国环



Article 97 If the contaminated soil has damaged the national or the public interest, the relevant institutions and

organizations may bring a lawsuit before the people's court in accordance with the Environmental Protection

Law of the People's Republic of China, the Civil Procedural Law of the People's Republic of China, the

Administrative Procedural Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws.


    第九十八条 违反本法规定,构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法给予治安管理处罚;构成


Article 98 If any violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a violation of the public security management

rules, the violator shall be punished by the public security organ in accordance with law; if a crime is constituted,

the violator shall be held legally liable for criminal liabilities.


第七章  附  则

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions


    第九十九条 本法自2019年1月1日起施行。

Article 99 This Law shall come into force as of January 1, 2019.




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